Episode 100

Published on:

20th Sep 2022

Opportunities for Caregivers Joining Remote Workforce, with Ashley Connell, Ep. 100

Ashley Connell of Austin, Texas, is the CEO of Prowess Project which supports caregivers and those who took an extended parental leave who have previous work experience, skills, and education. Prowess Project can help those who are in need of upskilling as well as those who are ready to return to the work force but in a flexible capacity. Prowess Project matches applicants with corporate partners who are ready and willing to work with job seekers looking for part-time and full-time work.

In this episode, Ashley describes how and why she became an advocate for those wanting to return to the workforce, especially women who have taken time away from work to raise their children, as she was anticipating starting her own family. She had spent 15 years in a busy career as an award-winning tech marketer in both Austin and London. Now she’s committed to changing the lives of overloaded employers, women seeking rewarding work, and doing all she can to close the gender gap. Ashley has worked from home for awhile, but now she has experienced taking a maternity leave of her own and returning to work and how that has impacted her schedule and lifestyle. She's now commuting again, in order to bring her daughter to childcare.


Join Her Masterclass: https://www.prowesstalent.io/going-from -home-to-hired

Prowess Project: https://prowessproject.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prowessproject

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About the Podcast

Yes, I Work From Home
April Malone interviews people who work from home
Yes, I Work From Home is a community where people share stories about their work-from-home journey. April Malone is the host and interviews a wide variety of people who work from home in different capacities. Guests include entrepreneurs, freelancers, teleworking employees, and those managing a home-based business or remote team. April and her guests discuss how they started working from a home office, some of the challenges they've faced, benefits, and tips and tricks that might help others. Interview guests will talk about why and how they work from home, what they do, who they help, and how they balance work with household responsibilities. They'll also talk about how they manage staying connected with colleagues, clients, and work to maintain healthy habits and a social life. Listeners will be informed about upcoming WFH community events and hear about helpful physical products, digital tools, and services that April and her guests feel are worth recommending.

This podcast has a typical run time of 45 minutes, published twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Learn more about April Malone and the community at Yes, I Work From Home: https://www.yesiworkfromhome.com/

About your host

Profile picture for April Malone

April Malone

April Malone is the founder of Yes, I Work From Home and the host of this podcast. She is an adult educator who helps people improve their work-from-home situation by cultivating a community of sharing and accountability for people who work from home. April has worked from home for 12 years in a variety of roles including as an employee of a major health organization, running an online store selling physical product, and she spent two years as a full-time online ESL teacher. April is in the USA and is originally from the northern state of Minnesota known for its lakes, mosquitos, and brutal winters; but she now lives with her husband and three children in Arizona, where the desert summers are incredibly hot but the winters are lovely.